
Una identità in movimento

The most important event of the year 2006

Aldo Durades Román

The reporting of the letter of the year that will govern the year 2007 in the religion Bantù, will be announced next December 28 (2006) in it yields of the Chapter.

Before to reporting of letter, nine ceremonies will be realized; 4 of secret character for those who already received the system of divination and five for the participants - guests.

Payment of the Right of Participation

All the persons of any nature or creed (women and men), who want to take part as guests, will have to deposit the sum of 240 (American dollars), equivalent to 200 (Cuban dollars), this tariff includes the participation of six ceremonies:

  1. Nzala Ngundo and Nriri (ceremony dedicated to the Ceiba and to the palm, emblematic trees of this religion).
  2. Nzala Ntoto (ceremony to the ground, to dignify her and that serves all the human beings for a better habitat.
  3. Nzala Nkombo Nzimba (ritual of spiritual and physical cleanliness, to unroll positively in all the orders of the life during 2007).
  4. Nzala Ntango (ceremony of gift to the Sun so that we do not lack the positive energy as source of life and to establish communication with the Gods).
  5. Nzala Nganga (ceremony of purification with the Nganga inside the Nz ò Kolwanga, quarter where the Gods live).
  6. Nzala Kalunga (ceremony and gift to the sea).

This bundle includes culinary courteousness to taste ritual meals of origin Bantù and coctail Bantù of welcome.

The second Bundle

By means of the credit of 360 (American dollars), equivalent to 300 (Cuban dollars) with a duration of 4 days (40 hours).

It includes previous program of ceremonies, more:

  1. Seminar "History of the Religion Bantù in Cuba".
  2. Knowledge of the dialect Musundi-Bantù.
  3. The signs and his interpretation.
  4. Forms of Nzalas or works of Ngangas.
  5. Treatment of the Nfumbe (the dead person in the Nganga).
  6. Seminar on singings and ceremonial prayers.
  7. Classes of percussion and dances of ritual character.

It notices: Every guest will have a credential of the event and he will be an honorary member of the Chapter.

Other Events:

  • Selling of the Book "Enchanting Crying" and "Letters of Divination Bantù".
  • Presentation of the Book "System of Divination Bantù ", for which they have received the system and those that interest.
  • Initiations, delivery of Ngangas and touch of drum Bantù.

The interested ones will deposit to the account of Aldo Durades Román to Not. Of Account 0106018483, Division 0850, Cancún, Mexico, Bank BBVA Bancomer, with the key ABA021000021 (only for the exterior).

    * No includes meal, neither accommodation nor transportation.

Courtesy by Aldo Durades Román
(01 November 2006)

Cuba. Una identità in movimento

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